Friday, February 11, 2011

Is Google Getting Grazed Over?

Are you wondering where all of the hype is coming from about Apple and it's iPhone and iPad?
Sometimes I wonder too. I think they're great products and I've owned every iPod there is known to man. I'm secretly obsessed with the iPhone but haven't taken the leap yet - and I still think the iPad is too rich for my blood.

I have test driven an Android phone and I will tell you that I think there still isn't enough awareness out there about them. We all seem to know the numerous things Apple products can do in the classroom but what about an Android powered device? There are some things out there --many undiscovered --and many more to come I'm sure. Android has the possibility of monopolizing on Apple's closed minded attitude on many platforms. I for one am more interested in investing in something for my classroom that can utilize other brands and markets out there.

Take a look at a few apps the apps that we found:

Grade Book for Professors (with Google Docs Sync)

Edit your grade book directly from your phone!
  • No need to sync two separate grade books! Use one primary grade that is stored in the cloud on Google Spreadsheets.
  • Email a student their grades with the click of a button!
  • Pin-number to protect your grade books in case your phone is lost.

Attendance (with Google Docs Sync)

A simple and efficient way to take attendance with your Android device! All attendance results are saved to a Google Spreadsheet.
  • No need to enter student names into phone. Just get the student names into a Google Spreadsheet and the app handles the rest.

Grade Ticker

Simple tool to help professors and teachers make grade tallying more efficient
  • Integrates with Gradebook for Professors for easy grade entry

Grade Rubric

Simple tool grading tool for professors and teachers who use a grading rubric for assignments. Option to auto-generate an email with detailed grade report for student.
  • Custom rubric labels.
  • Choose letter rubrics and numbers rubrics
  • Integrates with Gradebook for Professors for easy grade entry

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